Extroverted? Here Are Some Tips on How to Be Quiet and Reflective.

3 min readNov 12, 2021

I read(skimmed through) an article somewhere that said, ‘…here are some things that introverts are good at…’ Obviously, I put it down. I ain’t good at some things. I excel at EVERYthing.

Photo by Melanie Dretvic on Unsplash

This article will serve as a guide to help you identify what you are doing wrong, how you are contributing to noise pollution and increasing the stress levels of those around you. By the end of this article, you will be able to self-diagnose yourself, and be a valuable member of society.

A story for everything

I do not want to listen to your irrelevant-to-the-topic story when I have a deadline to meet. Channel your energy and qissa in a long post (Facebook or Meta preferably since I tend to skip them the most anyway). I guarantee that you will be as disinterested when typing the qissa as I am when I pretend to give the story my undivided attention.

Say no to unnecessary meetups!

I feel like banging my head on the wall once you propose a group outing. I swear by your life (because mine is too important, tehee) that the only reason that people said ‘yes’ was because they’d be unofficially kicked out from the group for the rest of their lives had their answer been ‘no’.

Was it funny?

After cracking a joke, don’t look around the whole room and try to make eye contact with every living creature. Now I will have to fake a laugh or raise my eyebrows to show how amused (not really) I was. I miss my late afternoon naps and these forced facial expressions are driving me insane.

Praying hard that we don’t end up in the same group

When it comes to group work, be quiet for the first couple of minutes once tasks are assigned and let the conversation flow organically. I understand that social interaction is important, bilkul. However, you need to understand that unnecessarily voicing your thoughts and commenting on the weather when we are supposed to focus is a painful experience for all those involved in the group with you.

Can’t stop, won’t stop?

Must come naturally to you, being way too loud. 20 Hz. That is what the pitch of your voice should be when you and I are in the same room.

Inspiration for this article from the screenshot of this tweet I found on a social media site.

PS. I just wanted to clarify that sometimes I am busy in suppressing multiple eye-rolls throughout the day (because ugh extroverts), but I am super approachable if you keep in mind these points and pass the 5 pages long check-list I have when I am contemplating on forming a work-relationship with someone.

PPS. Don’t really care if the title makes sense with the article.

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Narmeen studies engineering. When she isn’t glued to the computer screen, she spends time tidying up her room, exploring and eating whatever is in the fridge.