What’s in a title anyway?

3 min readJun 9, 2021

I’d like to welcome my readers to another mind-boggling article where I complain about why the universe doesn’t revolve around me.

A summary of what has changed from the last time I posted something:

Photo by Felice Wölke on Unsplash
  • I have concluded that it isn’t that dangerous to use my mobile on the bus. What? A girl has gotta do something to pass time! (and find ways to keep herself occupied so that she does not take a sweet, short nap and almost miss her stop)
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash
  • I am stepping out of my comfort zone and wearing hijabs that require ironing because they have been collecting dust on my shelves. Painful? Yes. Makes me miss the bus? Sometimes. Worth it? Nah.
  • Willingly went to a team lunch! Can you believe it? I also wore a new outfit (that I promised my mom to have worn 4–5 months ago). What is happening to me?
  • Posted content on Instagram on occasions other than Eid. Am I an influencer now?
  • I didn’t care if anyone cared about my opinion only to have gotten DMs where my friends agreed with me. We have been enrolled in the same courses for almost 4 years now and it is now that I am finding people with similar interests.
  • I haven’t done the dishes for a few months now and I have a valid reason for that. PM for the secret.
  • Putting my fears aside, I published an interesting post on my Facebook profile not too long ago and did not receive response from that one agency that I really wanted! What a shame.
  • You should know that I did catch up with my infamous middle-school best friends, reminisced about school days, half of which I couldn’t recall because I didn't speak about it to anyone since we all moved countries and cities. One of my friends told her friend everything we used to do! E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-I-N-G. I plan to sue her.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

My laptop’s fan wasn’t having it. First final(!) of the seventh semester and I get a message on my laptop that said the fan wasn’t functioning properly. Talked to people, went to a shop. Shelled out ma money, boom. A thick layer of dust is attached to the fan. The guy recommended servicing the laptop at least once a year. In your dreams, brother!

PS: Putting off the literature review I am supposed to do until my members start sending their work in and make me feel bad.

PSS: PS was written ages ago! Guess correctly and you will win nothing.




Narmeen studies engineering. When she isn’t glued to the computer screen, she spends time tidying up her room, exploring and eating whatever is in the fridge.